Friday 20 January 2012

Tromboncino and Rick Stein Part One

We were watching Rick Stein travelling (and eating) throughout Sicily and found this recipe for cucuzzo longa. As we didn't grow any this year, we cooked it instead with tromboncino. We normally cook them in a tomato sauce, and have a glut of them every January, so it's nice to find a different way to eat them.

This recipe could all just be substituted with zucchini (especially the sweet white ones) or squash.
 It's simple and extremely tasty.

1 tromboncino (or white zucchini or cucuzzo longa)
1 onion
Dried oregano and mint
Olive oil
Pecorino cheese

Slice up tromboncino (or cuccuzo) and dice onion. Place in a saucepan and cover with water. Add dried oregano and mint, salt and pepper. Boil together until the trombocino is soft and water has reduced to make a sauce. Add grated pecorino and drizzle with olive oil.

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