Tuesday 29 May 2012

Poached Quinces

It is a tragedy that we have gotten to the 2nd last day of Autumn before posting this! Quinces have such a unique taste but are only in the shops for a short time of the year. Last year our neighbours dropped off 2 large bags of quinces from their trees, which we used to make quince paste. It seems this year they have acquired a taste for them, because they dropped off no bags.

To make poached quinces (use about 4-6 medium sized quinces):

Peel and core the quinces. Keep the peel and offcuts with the seeds- place these in a kitchen chux and tie it up with string.

Quarter the qinces and place in a large pot. Cover with water and add about 1 cup of sugar.

Add a stick of cinnamon and 6 whole cloves. Add the chux with the seeds and peel to the water too.

Simmer at very low heat for a very long time. Cooking the quinces very slowly and the inclusion of the peel and seeds helps the quince change colour from yellow to a deep golden red colour. We cooked ours over about 3 hours at a very gentle heat, stirring occasionally.

Serve with some syrup and custard!

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