Monday 22 October 2012

Mustard Cabbage Pickles

We have some very sweet and delicious white cabbages in the garden right now. After 3 weeks straight of eating coleslaw, we looked for more creative ways to utilise this resource. We went to our old faithful, Maggie Beer, and found a recipe for pickled cabbages. It's nice to get back into preserving- we haven't had much to pickle over winter!

This tastes very much like the corn relish we made last summer (they seem to have most of the same ingredients except for corn and cabbage!)  It can be served with cold meats, on sandwiches or on a cheese platter!

Mustard Cabbage Pickles:


1 small cabbage (about 1kg)
3 onions, sliced
2 red and 2 green capsicums, chopped
1/4 cup salt
2 cups white wine vinegar
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups white sugar
1 TBS mustard powder
1 tsp ground tumeric
1 tsp ground ginger
3 TBS cornflour
1 TBS celery seeds
1 TBS yellow mustard seeds

Shred the cabbage and combine in a large bowl with the onions and capsicums. Add the salt and mix through. Cover and leave overnight to draw out the moisture.

The next day, rinse in a colander and wash out all the salt. Meanwhile, add the vinegar, brown and wihte sugar in a large saucepan. Stir until the sugar dissolves , then bring to the boil and add the vegetables.
Reduce heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

Mix the mustard, tumeric, ginger and flour with 125mL water to make a smooth paste. Stir into the vegetable mixture and stir until the mixture thickens. Add the celery and mustard seeds then pour into sterilised jars. Boil jars in a large pot of water for 5 minutes to seal then remove and cool.

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