Friday 2 August 2013


A six month (or more) blogging hiatus needs a pretty good excuse, so rest assured, we have been mighty busy.

We have moved house, and said goodbye to our productive little garden. We are starting afresh, and hope to blog about some of the changes in our new inner city garden. 

And we have welcomed two amazing new additions into the house...

Our handsome little boy, now 5 months old... Mr Smiley


Loved (almost) as much! I can't believe we haven't had a dishwasher in 8 years given all the cooking we do!

We have lots of little recipes in the archives. Just need to get them up on the blog! And here is the evidence that we have been doing plenty of cooking.

'Helping' to bake some red velvet cupcakes!

1 comment:

  1. So...... Looking forward to these recipes and updates :) xx
