Thursday 16 February 2012


Time for the annual zucchini glut. We've grown the Romanesco variety- this is an Italian variety that is apparently a favourite of restaurateurs (and Maggie Beer but we were growing it first) because of it's sweetness and flavour. The plants are quite large, very easy to grow and produce for months. You only need 1 or 2 plants per household. Otherwise you end up like us... wishing you didn't have to see another zucchini. Until next year when you get excited again.

We'll try to post some more inventive ways of cooking them (we're constantly trying to come up with new ways to eat them at this time of year). Meanwhile, here's the recipe for our trusty old zucchini slice. Because it's full of bacon you never get sick of it!

5 medium sized zucchinis, grated
3 rashers bacon, sliced
1 onion, finely sliced
100g tasty cheese, grated
½ cup plain flour
½ cup vegie oil
4 eggs, lightly beaten.
Salt and pepper

Mix everything- put into a baking dish and bake for 45 mins (until cooked through and brown on top). 

Hope you enjoy- feel free to double the amount of bacon.

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