Friday 13 April 2012

Sweetcorn Relish

This is just like the stuff you can buy at the supermarket, only nicer. This makes a delicious dip when combined with cream cheese (I'm sure you've all tasted this at a BBQ when you were younger). Or you can serve it alongside roast beef or a corned silverside (mmmmm, boiled meat).

5 fresh sweetcorn on the cob
2 capsicums (any colour) deseeded and chopped finely
3 celery sticks, chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1-2 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped (optional)
350g sugar
450mL apple cider vinegar
Sea salt
50g plain flour
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
¾ teaspoon ground turmeric
½ teaspoon celery seeds

Boil the corn cobs in a large pot of water for 4 minutes. Remove the corn cobs and reserve 200mL of the water.

Cut the kernels off the corn cobs. Put the corn and the reserved cooking water in a pot, together with the capsicum, celery, onion, garlic, chilli (if using), vinegar, salt and sugar.

Bring to the boil, and simmer for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile make a runny paste with the flour, spices and approx ¼ cup of water. Add this to the boiling pot (stirring as you add it), then simmer for a further 15minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the mixture sticking.

Place into sterilised jars and boil the filled jars in a large pot of boiling water for 10 minutes to seal the jars.

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