Saturday 21 April 2012

Tagine Week: Algerian Okra and Potato Tagine

We have to credit this amazing recipe find to Travis and Yvette- who have been insisting that this would change the way we saw okra.

I had a hard time convincing Frank to try it. Our last attempt to cook up okra was fairly bland and revoltingly slimy! But we have seen the light- okra is amazing. I thought we were onto something when I spotted an elderly woman stealing Okra from Coles a couple of weeks ago. If it's worth stealing then there must be something we've been missing.

So, many thanks to Travis and Yvette for steering us in the right direction (and for the Algerian spice mix and preserved lemons).  Soaking the okra helps with the texture and this combination of flavours was so unusual but very refreshing. We'll definately cook this over and over again.

Here's the link to the recipe:


  1. This was SOOO DERICIOUS! Frankie, did you save any okra seeds??

  2. Woop! So glad you liked it! I just bought a can of okra at the lebanese shop - will see if it works as well as the fresh okra does
