Friday 16 March 2012

Figs with vanilla ricotta and honey

Our figs are starting to dwindle. We have preserved a heap, eaten a heap and exchanged them for pizzas at our local pizza shop. Our daughter walks to the tree, points to it and says "Um"!

We made this vanilla baked ricotta with the fresh vanilla pods our friend smuggled into Australia from Bali (thanks Gin). It is officially our new favourite way to eat ricotta, and would be great with lots of different fruits (like rhubarb or a compote of Autumn pears, apples and quince). But the figs make it seem more exotic.

750g fresh ricotta
2 cups icing sugar
2 eggs plus 1 egg yolk extra
1 vanilla bean (split)
9 figs
caster sugar

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and grease and line a medium loaf tin.

Place the ricotta in a bowl with the icing sugar, eggs and scraped out vanilla bean. Beat until combined then pour into the prepared loaf tin.

Place in a roasting dish and fill the dish with enough water to reach halfway up the loaf tin. Bake for 30-40 minutes (until just set).

Remove the tin from the roasting dish and leave to cool completely. When cool, turn the baked ricotta out onto a board, then slice into 1.5cm thick slices.

Cut the figs in half and sprinkle each one with a few pinches of caster sugar. Place under a hot grill and cook until the sugar starts to caramelize.

Serve a slice of baked ricotta topped with the figs and drizzled with honey.

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