Tuesday 6 March 2012

Rainy weekend: Preserved Figs

So the seasons have decided to dramatically change all of a sudden, and we spent the weekend indoors thanks to rain and a febrile toddler.

So we spent our time preserving like madmen... acquiring quite a few superficial burns upon the way.

This fig recipe is delicious! It comes from an Italian fig farmer and is a great way to use up all the small leftover fruit on our fig tree.

It uses white wine vinegar and spices (oh, and kilos of sugar too). The vinegar gives the figs an amazing sour taste, which counters the kilos of sugar. We are devouring them with ice cream every night.

Preserved Figs
4kg figs
5 cups sugar
2 L water
1 tablespoon of cloves
1 cinnamon stick
3 cups white wine vinegar (or you could use balsamic vinegar but it might go a darker colour)

Combine 3cups of sugar and water in a large pot and bring to the boil. Add the figs (whole, cleaned and pricked once or twice with a fork). Simmer for 30 minutes.

Add the rest of the sugar, the vinegar and spices and cook until the figs become clear.

Remove from the heat and stand for 12-24 hours in the syrup in a cool place.

Place into sterilised jars and fill with syrup. Return the jars to a large pot of boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes to seal.

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