Sunday 25 March 2012

Jerusalem Artichokes in Flower

Our Jerusalem Artichokes have just come into flower and have added some nice colour to our garden leading into Autumn. It still surprises me how similar they look to daisies when in full bloom and how very different they are to their better known cousins. 

Soon as winter approaches the flowers will wither and the long stalks, which are between 6 to 8 feet tall, will die back to the ground and then the bulbs will be ready to pick. It is growing time now and hopefully the bulbs are getting nice and fat. We usually leave the bulbs in the ground over winter and go and pick them as we need or feel like it. 

I started our crop about 7 years ago from a one small bulb taken from a family friend and we have eaten kilos of them ever since. Just be wary if growing at home, they can be invasive!  

I just love the nutty flavour of the artichoke and while we just love roasting them with our other vegies, i have let the crop grow larger than previous years as i wanted to experiment a little more (maybe a soup). Stay tuned for some recipes over winter. 

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