Friday 16 March 2012

Rosewater and Plum Jam

We are taking advantage of the end of season surplus of fruits and squirreling away for the long cold Melbourne winter. Our plum tree rewarded us with 5 plums this year (they were delicious). So we bought a few kilos at the markets last week and made a batch of this delicious jam (another Greg Malouf recipe).

As a dear friend noted, this tastes just like Turkish Delight Jam. Yum.

2.5kg plums
50mL Rosewater

Place the plums in a large heavy based saucepan with a small amount of water and boil for about 10 minutes (until they are soft and mushy).

Strain them overnight through some sort of cloth (like a kitchen chux).

Pour the strained juice into a pan with 500g of sugar for every 600mL of juice. Stir over a low heat until the sugar has dissolved then bring to the boil.

Boil for 20-25 minutes, until the jam reaches setting point  (a spoonful placed onto a cool dish in the fridge will develop a skin).

Remove from the heat and skim the froth from the surface.

Stir in the rosewater then carefully ladle into sterilised jars. Return the jars to a pot of boiling water and boil for ten minutes to seal. 

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